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Breaking the mold helps each relationship find its own shape

Breaking the mold helps each relationship find its own shape

86544530Polyamory is by no means for everyone, and monogamy certainly seems to work best for most people. But one of the more unfortunate features of monogamy is the way it tends to force relationships to be either The Right One, or nonexistent. The general goal of monogamy, after all, is to find that one person you can spend the rest of your life with, forsaking all others. ...

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Marriage, Primacy, and Control: What Rights Do We Have?

Several of the articles published here on PepTalk recently have treated the subject of relinquishing power over those we love.  It is a common refrain in polyamorous circles: possessiveness, control, and power-grasping are all harmful to the full expression of one’s love.

For my own part, I couldn’t agree more.  Yet at the same time, I find myself struggling at times with relationship definitions – and what expectations are associated with them.  It’s quite true, as Robyn writes in this ...

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