Author Archive

My Mom Was a Hippie . . . UPDATED

My Mom Was a Hippie . . . UPDATED

by Valerie White

One of my favorite songs is Bob Blue’s “My Mom Was a Hippie”, in which a young boy bemoans his parents’ crunchy-granola values. They care more about protesting war than they care about getting a half-decent car. His friends’ parents live more traditional lives, while his are “counter-culture”, and he doesn’t even know what that means. He wishes racism, pollution, sexism and nuclear bombs would just go away so his parents could be ordinary.

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What People Think of Us

What People Think of Us

I’ve been reflecting recently on the variety of reactions we polyamorists get to our lifestyle. At choir practice the other night, one of the sopranos mentioned to me that she was taking a class on time management and that the instructor had said that after taking the class the student’s would have so much more time that their spouses and partners and polyamorous families would be delighted.

I ...

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Other Mothers

Lots of polyamorous folks are justifiably fascinated by the hypotheses expounded in Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality, by Christopher Ryan, Ph.D. & Cacilda Jethá, M.D. By examining human reproductive physiology and anatomy from an evolutionary perspective, comparing their observations with the sexual customs of modern foragers (hunter-gatherers), and contrasting them with observations of the sexual behavior of other Great Apes, the authors make a convincing argument ...

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Thinking About Children

Reprinted from Loving More Magazine Winter Issue #37

It has never been obvious to me that there is anything intrinsically harmful to children in their parents living polyamorously. I myself was raised by a mother who, though she never heard the word “polyamory”, believed that loving more than one person at a time was both possible and positive. I don’t claim that my raising was flawless . . . ...

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