Posts Tagged 'Loving More Magazine'

Primary, Secondary: The Misunderstanding of Hierarchy in Polyamorous Relating

Primary, Secondary: The Misunderstanding of Hierarchy in Polyamorous Relating

94019988Being polyamorous in a mono-centric and dominator culture can be at times confusing. Often people lack the language, skills and mindset to understand their own feelings and complexity of their relationships let alone explain this to others. To cope with some of these issues the polyamory community has created language and constructs to help in dealing and explaining some of the issues faced in polyamorous relationships. One ...

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An Adventure in Polyamorous Love and Personal Growth

An Adventure in Polyamorous Love and Personal Growth

Romantic relationships come in many forms; some are magical brief encounters while others are deep emotional bonds that last a lifetime. Yet often relationships are judged and valued based solely on how long the relationship lasts and not the quality, lessons and growth we take away. When a relationship is short-lived people tend to trivialize it and even sometimes demonize the relationship or person as a way to cope with the pain they feel. Why is it that we ...

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Between Two Worlds

An Introduction to Social Polyamory – By Nancy & Darrell Casey
Copy Right 2005 -Reprinted from Loving More Magazine Issue #35 Summer 2005

“When it’s time to cum, you have to go,” was the humorous comment I’d often make as newcomers were introduced to “Rainbow”, which was an off premise Lifestyle Swing club. “Off premise” meant that dance activity was limited to making sensual and social connections; overt sexuality was not allowed. ...

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Why is Polyamory so Hard to Define?

Polyamory and the exact meaning of the word is often the subject of debate among self-identified polyamorous people. It has been much debated on websites, at conferences and discussion groups around the country. Even among leading polyamory activists the term is debated over and over again. What is the source of the controversy?

Webster’s Dictionary defines polyamory as “the state or practice of having more than one open romantic relationship at a ...

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Polyamory Without Attachment To Form

By Mystic Life

I have learned that polyamory can be used to dissolve the ego, or enhance it.  Similar to how nuclear technology can be used to either power a city or destroy it, the poly path can be utilized to bring us closer to peace, or create endless suffering through multiple attachments.  In other words, we can let go of controlling others, or we can create multiple ...

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Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality Book Reveiw by David Hall, PhD

Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality written by Christopher Ryan, PhD and Cacilda Jethà, PhD

Harper. 2010

I am a sex educator and have been teaching college students and adults what I have learned about Human Sexuality for many years. This book has caused me to look seriously at what I believed was factual about my favorite subject and question some of the received wisdom of my text books and mentors. I think this book is a “MUST ...

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Letters to the Editor

We want to hear from you.   Please share your comments and thoughts about Loving More Magazine and Non-Profit.  We welcome you ideas and thoughts.

Robyn Trask

Executive  Director and Editor

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Faces of Polyamory

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The 12 Pillars of Polyamory

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Growing Up Monogamous

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